India's Leading Carbon Black Producer

Lowering our
Carbon Footprint

The global climate and ecosystem are changing rapidly, impacting each of us in various ways.

As a responsible corporate entity, Epsilon Carbon prioritises sustainability as an integral fundamental value of our guiding principles. With an unwavering focus on sustainability, the environment, and our supply chain, we are strengthening our resilience to the inevitable challenges posed by climate change. Sustainability is being integrated into our corporate strategies and governance, positioning us well to demonstrate our organisational commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement.

We are committed to driving sustainability efforts through the value chain while being mindful of our responsibilities to the environment and society. Our goal is to achieve sustainable growth by providing customers with high-quality products that have the lowest environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impact during the manufacturing process.

Energy circularity is ingrained into our business operations, as seen in our integrated facility at Vijayanagar. With our continuous efforts, we have achieved:

Sustainability Report

Environment - Friendly Technologies

We at Epsilon Carbon are actively involved in minimising our carbon footprint. Our environment-friendly technologies help reduce greenhouse emissions as well as air and water pollutants.

We operate India’s only fully integrated Carbon derivatives complex in which, we run country’s first continuous vacuum distillation facility for coal tar in a dust free environment. Each section of the coal tar distillation plant has a separate scrubbing system for VOCs, bag filters for capturing particulate matters, and have also installed “Continuous emission monitoring systems” (CEMS) which are linked to Pollution Control Board systems.

Two waste heat recovery systems help reduce our utility usage and ensure energy efficiency. These endeavors helped us to achieve 10-12% less emissions than the global benchmark.

53% reduction

in energy intensity in FY22

34% reduction

energy consumption in FY22


trees planted to aid in minimising air pollution

Bulker containerised transportation

Use of recyclable packing material

Producing Sustainably

Epsilon Carbon is equally committed to environmental stewardship. Using feedstock with lower sulphur content highlights our SOx and NOx emissions are the lower than that of the major global players in the Carbon Black industry (0.3-0.5% as compared to the industry average of 3%). Using clean coke oven gas with lower sulphur content as a secondary fuel reaffirms our commitment of re-using what is essentially a waste product that allows efficient manufacturing. Waste gas from steel plant is piped to as a fuel for all our operations and tail gas from Carbon Black production is used to generate steam and power for energizing the complete complex thus, ensuring the circularity for the electric & heat Energy.

75% of energy

through recovered gases

50% Reduction

in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions intensity during FY22

Zero Discharge

Epsilon Carbon is committed to zero discharge of effluent from its plants. All wastewater is treated in the Zero Discharge Plant (ZLD) and is re-utilised for plant purposes.

15% reduction

water consumption Specialty Carbon (SC) operations in FY22


wastewater reused on-site

We Serve

Epsilon Carbon’s CSR interventions are guided by the expressed needs and development preferences of the communities in which we operate. Currently, Epsilon Carbon touches the lives of approximately 50,000 people across villages in the Ballari district in Karnataka.

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