YoY growth
YoY decline
We have been undertaking a host of initiatives across various ESG parameters. We believe integrating sustainability objectives into
Financial capital
Manufactured capital
Intellectual capital
Human capital
Social and relationship capital
Natural capital
Pool of funds allocated and utilised for all business activities.
Total Equity: ` 1,68,893 Lakhs
Total Debt: ` 1,47,212 Lakhs
Capital commitment as on Mar 2023: ` 8,563 Lakhs
Assets built or owned that facilitate production, storage and delivery of goods.
Cement and grinding plants: 7
Captive power plants: 3
Hydro power plants: 2
Limestone resources: 828.10 MnT
Organisation’s all intangible assets that contributes to its bottom line.
R&D investment: ` 30 Lakhs
Digitisation cost: ` 59 Lakhs
Use of robotics in plant operations: 4.0
Talent acquired and nurtured to manage all business activities.
Employee strength: 2,907
Total employee expense: ` 9,934 Lakhs
Total training hours: 52,390
Building trusted partnerships with key stakeholder groups.
CSR Spent: ` 306 Lakhs
Distributors/Dealers: 2,675
Resources provided by the natural world that are impacted due to business operations.
Total Energy consumed 10,811 TJ
Limestone Mined 4.92 MnT
Slag consumed 0.36 MnT
Gypsum consumed 0.15 MnT
Fly ash consumed 0.58 MnT
Coal Consumed 0.48 MnT
Fresh water withdrawal 2 44 441 KL
Human resources and administration
Research and development
Secretarial and legal
Finance and accounts
Energy management
IT and digital
Environment management
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC)
Portland Slag Cement (PSC)
Sulphate Resistant Cement (SRC)
Composite Cement (CC)
Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag (GGBS)
Clinker Production
Steel scrap
Tyres, oil, grease and others
Financial capital
Manufactured capital
Intellectual capital
Human capital
Social and relationship capital
Natural capital
Revenue: ` 2,22,954 Lakhs
PAT: ` 850 Lakhs
RoCE: 8%
Dividend: 35%
Market Capitalisation: ` 2,48,018 Lakhs
Capacity utilisation: 58%
Clinker factor: 75%
Production of high margin products:50%
New products launched: 2
Blended cement produced: 22,86,946 MT
Process improvement achieved – TSR ratio, blended cement volumes:23,83,242 MT
LTIFR: 1.6
Retention rate: 83.47%
Fatalities: 0
Employee productivity: 0.67 ton/manhour
Training hour: 52,390
CSR beneficiaries: 69,629
Number of complaint received: NA
Number of complaint resolved: NA
India ratings: IND A/Stable
Contribution to exchequer: ` 79,228 Lakhs
Total Waste recycled: 10,24,507 MT
Total Water recycled: 80,653 KL
Waste to landfill: 0 MT
Water positive: 6.8 times