We have established a strong sustainability governance framework to guide, execute, and oversee sustainability-focused decisions and actions.
Tata Power has a well-established sustainability governance structure to benchmark, implement, and monitor sustainability aligned decisions and actions.
The sustainability performance funnels into the Apex Leadership team and the CSR Committee at Board for guidance.
Leadership and Oversight on Sustainability
Institutional Structures and Systems
Leadership with care
Care for our environment (society at large)
Care for our shareholders and customers
Care for our community
Care for our people
Initiatives that are based on, and are encompassing
What needs to be done (material to both, stakeholders and us)
What we are good at doing and is linked to our business objectives
What we should take up as national thrust areas and public private partnerships for development and higher impact
What we should define as our standards, from compliance, to competing, to leading
New technology
Going beyond compliance
Architecture of Care
We have integrated six key Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) priorities into our business, and our future-ready roadmap.
Carbon net zero before 2045
Clean and green capacity 70% by 2030
Utility benchmark in water and waste management before 2030
Customer centric businesses
No net loss to biodiversity by 2030
Impact 80 million lives directly by 2028
Business-wise targets have been set for the following prioritised SDGs to create a roadmap
To become carbon net zero before 2045
Thought Leadership
To become a global sustainability benchmark
Circular Economy
Move towards water neutrality and zero waste to landfill before 2030
CSR SDGs for Societal Impact are below
Train 35 lakh+ youth as conservation and STEM* education champions by 2028
Employability & Employment
20 lakh+ youth to be trained and made employable by 2028
Enable 1 lakh+ community collectives (Self Help Groups) by 2028
*Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
Tata Power is the only Indian Company to have co-authored the SDG roadmap for power utilities along with World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
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