Supplier of Choice

Relationships for
Delivering Delight

Priority Areas

  • Create and sustain mutually rewarding relationship with customers through differentiated products and services
  • Ensure deeper customer engagement and enhanced customer experience
  • leveraging digital and analytics solutions

Material Topics

Market Presence
Responsible Supply Chain
Economic Performance
Customer Centricity
Ethical Business Practices
Material Stewardship

SDGs Impacted

Capitals Impacted


Social and Relationship

We are consistently engaging with our customers to build long-term relationships and create shared value. We are expanding our product portfolio (including value-added products) and also offering bespoke solutions to enhance the customer value proposition. We are the supplier of choice in our chosen segments and strive to continue delighting the customers at every touch point.

Customer at the heart of everything

At Tata Metaliks, our goal is to always be the preferred supplier in our selected segments and exceed customer expectations by providing superior quality and customised products and services. We are committed to nurturing strong relationships with our customers and continually enhancing their satisfaction levels. To achieve this, we prioritise active customer engagement and consistently strive to improve the overall customer experience.

We firmly believe in adopting a customised approach when listening, observing and interacting with our customers. We customise our products and services to meet their expectations and evolving needs. This approach allows us to fully understand their current and future needs, enabling us to develop and deliver unique solutions that precisely cater to those requirements.

At the heart of our customer-centric culture is our commitment to leveraging digital platforms. As part of our ongoing digital transformation journey, we constantly strive to enhance the ease of doing business for our customers. In the previous fiscal, we successfully extended our comprehensive end-to-end digital Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform to our end customers, following its initial success with our channel partners.

Through our CRM platform, customers can get real-time visibility into their orders, payments, stock availability and the status of any complaints or issues. Moreover, our CRM is also accessible via mobile devices, providing customers with greater flexibility and convenience while enabling us to promptly respond to their specific needs and requirements.

In FY 2022-23, almost all our Pig Iron orders were booked through the CRM platform, with more than 70% of these orders being logged directly by our valued channel partners and customers themselves. This implementation has consolidated all marketing and sales-related processes onto a single platform, effectively managing the entire lead-to-cash cycle, including aftersales activities, and facilitating a seamless ‘Business on Mobile’ experience. We have also introduced CRM solutions for our customers in DIP business.

Implemented CRM to manage our entire lead-to-cash cycle including after sales

During the year under review, we utilised digital platforms to seamlessly extend our services to our channel partners and key customers. We organised 14 technical knowledge-sharing webinars for our foundry customers, reaching over 60 customers across all foundry clusters in India through digital channels.

In FY 2022-23, the volatility in commodity prices presented challenges in working capital requirements across the value chain. To support our customers in addressing this challenge, we continued to offer innovative financial support schemes leveraging our financial strength and long-term relationships with customers and financial institutions. Approximately 24% of our total turnover in FY 2022-23 was covered under these financial support schemes. Additionally, despite steep increases in raw material prices, we continue to honour long-term contracts in our DI pipe business, further strengthening our credibility and reliability with customers.

Our focus on unique engagement plans and service offerings has resulted in strengthened relationships with customers. In FY 2022-23, we maintained over 61% of DI pipes sales with our key customers, reflecting their continued trust in Tata Metaliks. We have also expanded our customer base to meet enhanced sales of DI Pipes available due to the enhanced product availability, consequent to the DI Pipe expansion project. We have established forums and mechanisms that significantly contribute to enhancing customer relationships, and our customers have recognised the benefits of these interventions, leading to higher levels of Customer Satisfaction Index.

To ensure comprehensive feedback, we conduct periodic Customer Satisfaction Survey through a third-party market research agency, in addition to regularly gathering feedback during customer interactions. This survey provides us with valuable insights and helps identify areas for improvement, enhancing our product and service offerings, ultimately resulting in increased customer satisfaction.

Looking ahead, we are placing increased emphasis on our export strategy to expand our global footprint. We are actively working on introducing new products and offerings 1while increasing opportunities to monetise our technical services.

Customer Satisfaction Index in FY 2022-23





Way Forward

Our commitment to innovation and strengthening customer relationships remains firm as we continue to provide superior-quality products and services. Our strategic priority of ‘Innovate and Excel’ serves as a guiding force, propelling us to broaden our offerings and enhance customer engagement. These initiatives play a pivotal role in establishing Tata eFee and Tata Ductura as the preferred brands in their respective chosen segments.